Join Stampin’ Up! and my Fabulous Team

Ready to join me now? Click here to join my team!

Joining Stampin’ Up was one of the best decisions I ever made! I have the supplies and encouragement to make beautiful creations, supportive team members, and extra income! I would love to have you join my team. My team includes business builders as well as crafters who just want to stock up at a discount – I LOVE you all and will help and support you as much (or as little) as you want!

If you have any questions please contact me, and if you’re ready to get in on this great deal, you can join my team here.

Why You Should Join Stampin’ Up:

Discount: I know that many people join for the discount (I did). We get at least 20% of all sales. This discount goes up to 25% with more sales. This also means we get paid right away instead of waiting for a check from the company. We collect full retail price and pay 20% less when we enter the orders (so we get our commission immediately!). And, if we sell more during a month, we can get up to 35% off.

Training: Another great reason to join Stampin Up is the training. They offer product training so that we are always current in stamping, scrapbooking, and card-making techniques. I also belong to a team of amazing creators who share their knowledge and inspiration. Stampin’ Up and my team also have great training to get your business off the ground (if you choose). And, they have amazing ready to go project ideas for workshops and gatherings so you can easily teach and inspire your friends and customers.

Preview Periods: As Demonstrators, we get to see new products, and purchase or earn promotional items early (usually a month in advance). We also get the option to purchase some new items in bundles so we can save money and get goodies early!

Free Products: We often have the opportunity to earn free goodies and special items. We also earn FREE product credit along with our commissions every month. This credit can be used to stock our own craft supplies or for products to use for workshops and gatherings.

So Much More: As a demonstrator I get to share quality products, teach and inspire friends, family, and new friends, and share my love of crafting!

I want everyone to enjoy Stampin’ Up products and the opportunity to get creative! Ready to have fun, meet people, and get creative? The answers to some frequent questions are posted below so you can get answers quickly. Of course you can also contact me through Facebook or email if with any questions.

The New Consultant Kit is $50 (plus tax and shipping) and is valued at over $200, plus you get a $50 Select Product Credit to apply towards your first order.

An annual renewal fee of $25 will be charged each year that you remain a Close To My Heart Maker. This fee helps offset costs related to operating the business, such as credit card processing fees, website maintenance fees, and others.

You get a $25 credit to order exactly what you want to start creating and showing off our beautiful products. You will also be able to order a FREE Business Basics Bundle containing the business products to get your business started.

Oh yes! We have a program called “Straight to the Top” to encourage you to start strong. There are three levels and you earn FREE goodies at each level. If you reach all three levels (a total of $1,200 in your first 90 days), you will get THREE exclusive business builder stamp sets, a cute “on the go” bag, a heart dangle, a CTMH t-shirt and a CTMH organizer filled with $150 in goodies. And, you will get a Workshop kit as as a special gift from me. And, don’t forget the regular benefits of this strong start. . . you will have earned at least $260 in commission and $75 in Select Product Credit!

CTMH Bonus goodies as part of Straight to the Top to to encourage and support successful new consultants

Other than getting a ton of wonderful products at a great deal and most likely getting addicted to them, there is no catch. You have the opportunity to build a business if you choose, but you don’t have to.

That’s totally fine! Many Consultants are Hobbyists or Personal Use Consultants and do not do parties or hold classes or workshops. You are welcome to simply enjoy the discount on your own orders.

Active Consultants enjoy a discount of 25-45% depending on their sales for the month in addition to earning FREE product credit, discounted bundles, early opportunities to purchase, and performance rewards and incentives for sales and/or building a team.

The sales requirement is $300 retail (before your discount) per calendar quarter to stay an active Consultant.

Once you sign up, you have a FULL quarter to make your sales minimum which means that if you sign up in the middle of a quarter, you have that one AND the next one to sell the $300. So, if you joined in April, you would have until the end of July. Then if you do not have a total of $300 in orders you will drop down to Enthusiast or a VIP and earn smaller discounts.

Nope. Everything is yours to keep! No strings attached.

Nope. There are so many different products that CTMH actually suggests that you do not maintain an inventory. You can place an order when you need an item, and they ship quickly!

We offer Rewards Your Way, that are based on party orders. These include CTMH credit depending on the total order and opportunities for half off items. Many consultants share these rewards with hostesses, but it’s not required.

We also have VIP program that most hostesses sign up for. This program is $25 to join, but comes with an immediate $15 CTMH Cash (credit for Close to My Heart Goodies) and they will earn credit at 15% of every order. This means if a customer spends $170 in a year, the VIP membership pays for itself. VIP members also earn a FREE Stamp of the month (valued at 19.95) if they spend $50 on an order.

Absolutely! There are so many different training options available including lots of great videos and webinars. There is an entire listening library of recorded conference calls, bulletin boards for artwork, business, templates, Swaps, Mentoring, and more. They have pre-designed projects and workshops for us to use. There are annual events such as Local “Seasonal Expressions Launch” Events, annual Crop Weekends, and Convention. There is even an 800# that you can call if you have questions. There are also fabulous projects designed by the Home Office and other consultants to make it easy to lead workshops and gatherings! You will never be without help. PLUS, I offer all of my monthly project guides to my team members, and you will have access to my director’s fabulous monthly projects too.

All Close To My Heart Consultants have a FREE website, so your friends and customers can place orders online anytime!

However there is an annual Consultant fee ($25) that helps the company offset the cost of the webpage.

Yep! CTMH also provides all Consultants with free, professionally designed monthly newsletters, making it easier than ever to communicate with your customers. You can also create and send your own if you wish.

Absolutely. Click here to read all about me and my Close to my Heart business.

If you are thinking about joining me, please join my Future Consultant Facebook Group. I post all the current specials and new information there, so you’ll always be in the loop.

You can sign up at my website here. It will take you less than 5 minutes and your New Consultant Kit will be sent out to you right away.

They have been shipping them out very quickly. They typically ship in 1-2 days of receiving your online application. You will receive a Fed Ex tracking number so that you can track your package and know exactly when it will arrive.

Of course. I am available to my team via phone/text, email, and Facebook. I am more than happy to help you get started building a business, or just encourage you if you would simply like to be a Personal Use Consultant.

Ready to join me? Click here to join my team!